The VIEWTURE of retailadmin2021-03-09T08:53:10+00:00
the ultimate “try before you buy”
VIEWTURE lets you offer a buying experience
more complete, captivating and consuming
than any other in the industry
a new level of customized customer contact
VIEWTURE will drive more traffic to brick and mortar stores…
and let you gather a wealth of data on customer likes and preferences
shoppers tell us:
Furniture is the #1 product they would shop for using AR/VR
80% are eager to use AR/VR to design a room
71% would return more often to a store with AR/VR
68% would spend more time in a store with AR/VR
retailers tell us:
AR/VR results in as much as:
11x conversion
3x increase in spend levels
50% reduction in profit-draining returns